To support the Annapolis Police Department directly with resources to strengthen it and augment its services to the community.
A trusted stakeholder for the Annapolis Police Department, and dynamic influence for community safety.
Proactively engage business leaders and other private sector donor sources to provide extra-budgetary support for law enforcement needs and community outreach programs.
Core Values
Integrity: We will operate ethically, transparently, and without conflict of interest or appearance.
Diversity: We will seek membership which reflects our community.
Dedication: We will serve with commitment to our mission and its implementations.
Service: We will operate with a heart for helping.
Accountability: We will carefully and responsibly manage Foundation funds with clear audit trails.
Fairness: We will be impartial in our actions and our decisions.
What is the Annapolis Police Foundation?

What We Do


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The Annapolis Police Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations to the foundation are tax deductible.