Annapolis Police Foundation Strategic Plan (2022-2025)


To support the Annapolis Police Department directly with resources to strengthen it and augment its services to the community.


A trusted stakeholder for the Annapolis Police Department, and dynamic influence for community safety.


Proactively engage business leaders and other private sector donor sources to provide extra-budgetary support for law enforcement needs and community outreach programs.

Core Values

Integrity:  We will operate ethically, transparently, and without conflict of interest or appearance.

Diversity:  We will seek membership which reflects our community.

Dedication:  We will serve with commitment to our mission and its implementations.

Service:  We will operate with a heart for helping.

Accountability:  We will carefully and responsibly manage Foundation funds with clear audit trails.

Fairness:  We will be impartial in our actions and our decisions.

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1:  Optimize funding.

Fundraising is the heartbeat of our mission.  It is the Goal that enables all others. 

– Objective 1:  Increase revenues from businesses and private donors.

– Objective 2:  Increase revenues from grants and charitable foundations.

– Objective 3:  Increase revenues from Foundation fundraising events.


Goal 2:  Support the Annapolis Police Department’s efforts to earn public trust and cooperation.

Engagement with the community is central to both Department and Foundation success.

– Objective 1:  Enable community outreach events sponsored by the Department.

– Objective 2:  Assist the Department in community policing awareness.

Goal 3:  Develop and sustain the Foundation.

Organizational excellence, as demonstrated by a sound organizational framework, effectiveness, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, translates funding into desired public safety outcomes.

– Objective 1:  Establish or enhance frameworks for governance, management, fundraising, programs, procurement, and disbursements.

– Objective 2:  Enhance ties to the Department to earn its trust and better understand its needs.

– Objective 3:  Increase effectiveness and efficiency with tools, process improvement, and best practices.

Goal 4:  Strengthen our Board.

A Board with committed members diverse in gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, perspectives, and talents, ensures the Foundation is focused on its mission.

– Objective 1:  Recruit and retain members committed to the Department and Foundation missions, and who are willing and able to participate in its management or activities.

– Objective 2:  Develop members’ knowledge of police foundations with training and education.

Goal 5:  Promote the interests of the Annapolis Police Department.

Foundation resources are no substitute for adequate municipal funding, especially in support of Department outreach programs that implement community policing.

– Objective 1:  Highlight and recognize exceptional accomplishments of the Department.